are many Neapolitan ways of saying on the wife;
the wife is considered a "necessary misfortune".
In the sayings the popular wisdom is expressed
and you can receive some advices on the marriage.
If someone tells you 'A femmina ciarlera è
'na mala mugliera, he is telling it's better you
won't marry a woman who likes gossiping. She would
be a bad wife.
If you decide to get married, you should choose
a gentle-mannered and pretty woman. The reason
is because another saying says that 'A mugliera
brutta è peggio d''e diébbete; that
is to say you can stand worse the ugly wife than
the debits. If we consider other popular sayings,
the moral of the story is what follows: 'A mugliera:
felice chi 'a tène bona, chiù felice
chi nun'a tène. In english it sounds like
this: who has got a good wife, he is happy but
happier is the one who is not married!